Sunday, August 5, 2007

Don't Pay A Fortune For Antivirus Software

By Josh Sommers

As a computer technician one thing I am constantly harping on is the absolute need for Antivirus software and Antispyware software on every computer. No exceptions. There are so many issues I fix on a daily basis that could easily be prevented with these simple tools!

No one likes paying for insurance, and that is just what Antivirus software is. It is to protect against something that "might, or might not" happen. What If I told you that the number one antivirus tool I use and recommend as a computer technician is free? Yep, free. And free does not mean cheap!

The best time to install anti-virus software is when you first get your computer. Before anything even has a chance to compromise your system. Here are the steps I recommend taking as soon as possible on your own system to save you time and the inevitable headache.

Step One: Update your computer as much as possible. Go to and update everything you can. This will help patch potential exploits virus’ use in the first place.

Step Two: Remove any "about to expire" anti-virus software on your computer. And if your system is running slow due to the system resource hogs such as Norton Antivirus or McAfee Antivirus go ahead and remove those too.

Step Three: Download and install AVGFree from and configure it to run automatic updates. (For a step by step video guide to this process, signup at and I will send you the full video series absolutely free.)

Step Four: Do a full system scan to try to weed out any virus’ that may be on your system already. This is rare on a newly installed version of windows or a new computer, but if you are following this guide several months out, chances are you are already infected.

Step Five: Download, install, update, and immunize your system using Spybot Search & Destroy. You can find this tool at (For a step by step video guide to this process, signup at and I will send you the full video series absolutely free.)

Step Six: Restart your system and rest assured you are doing more to secure your computer than nearly every home user and client I run into.

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